[Dec '10] Coming soon: Pantheios.Net. The same technology that allows Pantheios (C++) to be robust, succinct, extensible and highly efficient, applied to the .NET platform. Watch this space ... (or get in contact)




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High-performance components

Pantheios achieves its 100% type-safety and peerless performance as a result of the following factors:
  • No log statement arguments are copied/converted unless the statements' severity level is currently enabled/switched on
  • Any copying of the string forms of log statement elements is done at most once
  • Processing the log statement elements into a single string for emission to the back-end by the core only involves memory allocation if the total length of the statement is greater than 4096 characters.
These rely on the following technologies and components:

Auto-generation of the application layer functions

The application layer functions are generated by the Ruby script make_hdrs.rb, which is located in the scripts sub-directory of the distribution. By default, the script generates functions from 1 to 32 parameters, but this can easily be adjusted to reduce or increase this number, and the files regenerated.

See also

  • Essentials - essential facts you need to know about Pantheios to get up and running.
  • Pantheios Architecture - introduction to the four parts of the Pantheios architecture: Application Layer, Core, Front-end, Back-ends.
  • Downloads - download the Pantheios library (source and binaries), samples, tools and dependent projects.
  • Tutorials - tutorials on using the Pantheios library.
  • API Documentation - once you've familiarised yourself with Pantheios via the tutorials, use the online documentation for fine details on the API functions and types.
  • Project Members - see who is implementing Pantheios, and how you can help out.
  • Performance - performance tests, which demonstrate the claimed peerless performance of Pantheios.
  • Future Directions - features that are anticipated/planned, but not yet implemented.


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