[Dec '10] Coming soon: Pantheios.Net. The same technology that allows
Pantheios (C++) to be robust, succinct, extensible and highly efficient, applied to the .NET
platform. Watch this space ... (or get in contact)
The following tutorials are available:
Pantheios Logging Library - Basics, by Son DN (on the blog Computer Networking)
Choosing Severity Levels, by Matthew Wilson (on the blog Pantheios Tips 'n' Tricks)
Pantheios Logging Library Installation and Use, by "Bing Long" (on the blog Bing Long's space)
Using pantheios to log inside a C++ JNI DLL, by Timo Geusch (on the blog The lone C++ coder's blog)
Using Callback Back-ends with the Pantheios Logging API Library, by Matthew Wilson (on Code Project)
Adding Logging to C Programs with the Pantheios C API, by Matthew Wilson (on Code Project)
An Introduction to Pantheios Back-ends, Part 1: The Back-end API, by Matthew Wilson (on Code Project)
Application Code
- a tutorial on using Pantheios logging constructs in your application code.
- a tutorial on using the stock front end fe.simple, and extending Pantheios via custom front-ends.
- a tutorial on using the stock back ends, and extending Pantheios via custom back-ends.
Back-End Splitting
- a description of how to use the stock be.lrsplit component to enable
splitting of logging output to multiple back-ends.
Library Selector Tool
- a Win32 program that can be used to select the explicit/implicit link options
for a given configuration.
See also
- essential facts you need to know about Pantheios to
get up and running.
Pantheios Architecture
- introduction to the four parts of the Pantheios architecture: Application Layer,
Core, Front-end, Back-ends.
- download the Pantheios library (source and binaries), samples, tools and
dependent projects.
Related Material
- read up on the concepts of Shims & Type Tunneling, on the
STLSoft auto_buffer class, on namespace aliasing, and more ...
API Documentation
- once you've familiarised yourself with Pantheios via the tutorials, use the
online documentation for fine details on the API functions and types.
Project Members
- see who is implementing Pantheios, and how you can help out.
- performance tests, which demonstrate the claimed peerless performance
of Pantheios.
Future Directions
- features that are anticipated/planned, but not yet implemented.